
Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Japanese Roll Cake

I had a bake day with a friend. Remember how my swiss roll didn't turn out too nice when I did it in school?, well I wanted to try it again. I have always liked the japanese type of roll cake. It is very soft and airy. My friend who is a japanese found a recipe from a japanese website that we could try. It was really simple and apparently it had more than 3000 people who liked the recipe according to the site. There are only 3 ingredients. Eggs, Flour and Sugar. So I guess it is all about the technique then. 
Rolling the cake with loads of strawberries inside.
Well, it seems simple enough but we actually failed the first time. We over whisked the egg white and had trouble folding it in evenly and it deflated a little. Yes, we made another one. The second time, we were careful not to over whisk the egg white. Folding in was much easier. 
I get to practise rolling the swiss roll and I was really happy that it didn't crack this time. We actually cooled the cake completely before rolling it. 
Yippie! This time it didn't crack.
I think a little more whipped cream will make it a nicer roll or maybe just cause I like whipped cream. Ha Ha. 
Strawberry Roll Cake.

I am thinking maybe I will try to use a slightly smaller tray for this recipe the next time.  I would prefer the cake to be thicker.
I am very happy with the result. Even though it is not yet perfect, at least it looks quite pretty and taste yummy. It was good practise. 


  1. I thought swiss roll sapsapsui...

    Seems tough though..


    1. I just need more practise , then it will get easier.
