
Sunday 12 May 2013

Week 32 Plating up dessert

Another week of decorating the plates for desserts. Creativity is a talent and it is quite interesting to see how everyone has a slightly different way of doing the same thing. I learnt from everyone in class. I may not be a very creative person but I really do enjoy playing with decorations. I googled and searched for pictures to see how others did it and try to learn from them. Sometimes, I can get some inspiration from others and come up with my own creation but sometimes I can go quite blank. I have to say this week is certainly not my best week in terms of creativity. 

Well, we baked a few simple items for the day. We had flourless orange cake , choux pastry where we made profiteroles, swans, chocolate eclairs and then there was a cranberry jelly dessert. 

Since last week, I tried to have a linear design to most of the desserts, this week I thought I will use more circles and round shapes. We only had to plate up one of the choux pastry dessert and so my partner and I chose the swans. I have to say this is really the one that I am least happy with. We were taught to keep the decoration simple but I think this is just a little too plain. 

Swans in love
 The jelly dessert was suppose to be a dessert which is easy to digest. So we were not suppose to use chocolate or cream as part of the decoration. Our trainer was struggling to plate his jelly dessert up because of all the restriction. The jelly was very soft and made it hard to get out of the mould without breaking it. I decided to use a nice little glass to fill it and serve it with the glass itself. That way, I won't risk breaking the jelly and it gives it a good height. So i kept the design rather simple with some fruits and a few drops of couli as decoration. I think this one I am quite happy with. 

Cranberry Jelly
 Last one was the flourless orange cake, I cut the cake into a small round cylinder shape. Dusted it with icing sugar and placed a candied orange peel and chocolate swirl on the cake. I wanted to try free hand chocolate piping on the plate and this was what I did. It looks like an "L" or "S" . Maybe can be a logo for a cake shop. Ha Ha.

Flourless Orange Cake
 The flourless orange cake was quite nice but a little sweet for me. The profiteroles were delicious. I think I ate most of it. Well, it may not have been my best work but still, I had lots of fun plating up.

Products of the day
Chocolate eclairs that we didn't plate up

1 comment:

  1. The flourless orange cake deco showed most originality among all. Sometimes, you just need to let your creativity go wild! 喜欢!
