
Sunday 2 June 2013

Coffee & Walnut Cupcakes

Coffee Walnut Cupcakes
I thought I should bake my brother his birthday cake yesterday as a little gift for him. It was a simple Coffee and Walnut Cupcake with coffee cream topping. The cake baking didn't take long, the decoration was rather simple too. I made his initials and 2 little badminton racquets and shuttlecocks. He is good at badminton, so is his wife and son! So I thought that racquets would be something he will like. 

Initials on cake

You know how people always say "It is the thought that counts"? Well.... this will have to be the case here because I am in Melbourne and he is in Malaysia. So I cant really post him the cupcakes so he could only see pictures of the cakes. I will have to eat it for him! Ha Ha Ha....

Initials on cakes
Happy Birthday Bro!!! May your dreams come true. Oh! by the way, the cake was YUM! Hehe..  Will bake for you when I return.

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