
Tuesday 4 December 2012

Mini Panini & Chorizo Onion Rolls

Found an interesting recipe in Bourke Street Bakery recipe book for Olive Oil dough. First make a small portion of fermented dough which was rested for a day and then added into the dough mixture to make the bread.  
From this basic olive oil dough, you can make a few types of buns in the book. So I decided to try to make half a recipe of panini and half of chorizo and caramelised onion rolls. Making bread takes a long time and a lot of patience. A lot of resting and kneading but like many bread maker will tell you, it can be therapeutic. For me, it is double bonus because I love eating bread. 

The chorizo and onion rolls came out really nice, except that some onions got a little burnt. It still didn't take us very long to finish it.
Final proof before baking.
Ready to eat Chorizo & Caramelised onion rolls.
The panini was interesting too. I read the recipe a few times and I am sure it says to cut it 4cm x 4cm. It looked rather small to me but I followed the recipe anyway, thinking that the final proof and the baking process will make it bigger. Well, it didn't really get much bigger. 

It was so cute to see them rising in the oven, they looked like little pillows. The texture was nice and soft and it stayed soft for a few days too. I think the fermented dough gave it a nice flavour. I had it for breakfast, lunch and dinner the next day. 
Mini Panini
That is my giant hand holding a small piece of panini. I guess it is good that it is small, then I can have seconds.
Panini with salmon and soup.


  1. Bread, always my favourite.
    Chorizo Onion Rolls - taste a little salty & naturally sweet (from onion) I suppose?

    Panini really cute!!

    1. Yeah... I love bread too.
      You got the taste right. Salty and sweet. The panini goes well with cheese and tuna. Yum!
